

Class List

Quick Start

  • 13 STR, 14 DEX, 16 CON, 10 INT, 11 WIS, 14 CHA.
  • Races: HumanHuman
  • 15 HP, +10 HP per level. Armor: Standard Ballistic Plates, 14 ACStandard Ballistic Plates, 14 AC. Extra Init: 0+2 Initiative. Saves: +5 DEX, +5 CON+5 DEX, +5 CON
  • Equipment: Items: M4A1 (+3, 2d6+3), infantry kit, ammo box, 4 rifle magazines, 3 handgun magazines, M67 fragmentation grenade, and 10 gp.Items: M4A1 (+3, [2d6]+3), infantry kit, ammo box, 4 rifle magazines, 3 handgun magazines, M67 fragmentation grenade, and 10 gp.
  • Skills: +2 Survival, +3 Athletics+2 Survival, +3 Athletics.
  • Background: Riflemen are the tanks of the team, while also providing the ammo box, an extremely important asset. They are versatile and hold positions very well while having an equal mix of support and damage with their designated riflesRiflemen are the tanks of the team, while also providing the ammo box, an extremely important asset. They are versatile and hold positions very well while having an equal mix of support and damage with their designated rifles.

Additional Rows: 1
LevelProficiency BonusFeatures Ammo Box LVL 1st2nd3rd4th5th 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
1st +2Ammo Box, Unyielding Combatant 1 2
2nd +2Quick Feet, Under Fire 1 2 3
3rd +2Intermediate Tactics 1 3 42
4th +2Ability Score Improvement, Ammo Box Upgrade 2 3 43
5th +3Covering Fire, Fast Movement 2 42 432
6th +3Advanced Tactics 2 42 433
7th +3Effective Communicaton 2 43 4331
8th +3Ability Score Improvement, Ammo Box Upgrade 3 43 4332
9th +45.56 Black Tip 3 432 43331
10th +4Expert Tactics 3 432 43332
11th +4Spirit of Camaraderie 3 433 433321
12th +4Ability Score Improvement, Ammo Box Upgrade 4 433 433321
13th +5Stocked Weapons 4 4331 4333211
14th +5Mastered Tactics 4 4331 4333211
15th +5Ammunition Expert 4 4332 43332111
16th +5Ability Score Improvement, Ammo Box Upgrade 5 4332 43332111
17th +6Permanent Piercing, Rapid Reload 5 43331 433321111
18th +6Attachment Specialist 5 43331 433331111
19th +6Ability Score Improvement 5 43332 433332111
20th +6Ultimate Infantryman 5 43332 433332211

Class Features

As a Rifleman, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d12 per Rifleman level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per Rifleman level after 1st


Armor: Standard Ballistic Plates, Ballistic Shield
Weapons: Rifles
Tools: Entrenching Tool
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, Acrobatics, Nature, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

M4A1, Standard
Infantry Kit
Ammo Bag
10 GP
Fragmentation Grenade


Ammo Box

Your equipment is light enough to carry along an ammo box. During battle, you may deploy it for yourself or teammates as an action.

Your ammo box contains the following at level 1:
  • 5 Rifle/SMG magazines

  • 6 Handgun magazines

  • 8 Shotgun shells

  • 1 Fragmentation grenade

  • 2 Machine gun magazines

  • 2 Grenadier rounds

  • 2 Smoke grenades

  • 3 Sniper magazines

You cannot pick back up the ammo box until combat has ceased. Nor can you move it around on the battlefield. It will only refill at a designated ammo box.

Reloading from the ammo box counts as a bonus action and requires you and your teammates to be at its emplaced location.

After placing the ammo box, you gain +1 DEX, Athletics, and Acrobatics until it is picked back up.

Unyielding Combatant

You are determined to win the fight beyond human capabilities. Once per session, you may receive fatal damage from any light or medium ammunition/attack and survive with 1HP. This passive ability may only be activated once.
[title]Ammo Box[/title]
Your equipment is light enough to carry along an ammo box. During battle, you may deploy it for yourself or teammates as an action.

Your ammo box contains the following at level 1:
[list][*]5 Rifle/SMG magazines
[*]6 Handgun magazines
[*]8 Shotgun shells
[*]1 Fragmentation grenade
[*]2 Machine gun magazines
[*]2 Grenadier rounds
[*]2 Smoke grenades
[*]3 Sniper magazines
You cannot pick back up the ammo box until combat has ceased. Nor can you move it around on the battlefield. It will only refill at a designated ammo box.

Reloading from the ammo box counts as a bonus action and requires you and your teammates to be at its emplaced location.

After placing the ammo box, you gain [+1] DEX, Athletics, and Acrobatics until it is picked back up.

[title]Unyielding Combatant[/title]
You are determined to win the fight beyond human capabilities. Once per session, you may receive fatal damage from any light or medium ammunition/attack and survive with 1HP. This passive ability may only be activated once.


Quick Feet

Starting at 2nd level, you can rush across the battlefield with great speed. Using an action, you can double your speed for one turn. Has unlimited use.

Under Fire

At 2nd level, your fight/flight reflexes have heightened. After taking fire that did not hit you, you can roll for a DC 15 dexterity saving throw. Passing this roll gives you advantage on your next shot OR you may cross an enemy without receiving an opportunity attack.
[title]Quick Feet[/title]
Starting at 2nd level, you can rush across the battlefield with great speed. Using an action, you can double your speed for one turn. Has unlimited use.

[title]Under Fire[/title]
At 2nd level, your fight/flight reflexes have heightened. After taking fire that did not hit you, you can roll for a DC 15 dexterity saving throw. Passing this roll gives you advantage on your next shot OR you may cross an enemy without receiving an opportunity attack.


Intermediate Tactics

At 3rd level, you become trained in a specific field of combat that pertains to the rifle's widespread utility. You can choose a fighting style that gives you a specific proficiency in its field.
  • Close Quarters: Gain stealth advantage as well as +2 DMG while within an enclosed area.

  • Woodland Warrior: Gain permanent nature advantage as well as +3 DMG while within a forest.

  • Mid Range: Gain perception advantage as well as +2 DMG to things 50-80 feet away.

  • Long Range: Gain focus ability, which uses a bonus action during combat. Your next firearm based attack has hit advantage at to enemies over 80 feet away.

[title]Intermediate Tactics[/title]
At 3rd level, you become trained in a specific field of combat that pertains to the rifle's widespread utility. You can choose a fighting style that gives you a specific proficiency in its field.
[list][*]Close Quarters: Gain stealth advantage as well as [+2] DMG while within an enclosed area.
[*]Woodland Warrior: Gain permanent nature advantage as well as [+3] DMG while within a forest.
[*]Mid Range: Gain perception advantage as well as [+2] DMG to things 50-80 feet away.
[*]Long Range: Gain focus ability, which uses a bonus action during combat. Your next firearm based attack has hit advantage at to enemies over 80 feet away.


Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Ammo Box Upgrade

Your ammo box has been modified to store increased ammunition as well as further ammunition types.

Your ammo box contains the following at level 2:
  • 6 Rifle/SMG magazines

  • 7 Handgun magazines

  • 10 Shotgun shells

  • 1 Fragmentation grenade

  • 2 Machine gun magazines

  • 2 Grenadier rounds

  • 3 Smoke grenades

  • 3 Sniper magazines

  • 1 Rocket

  • 2 Field Dressings

  • 2 Special ammunition magazines

[title]Ability Score Improvement[/title]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

[title]Ammo Box Upgrade[/title]
Your ammo box has been modified to store increased ammunition as well as further ammunition types.

Your ammo box contains the following at level 2:
[list][*]6 Rifle/SMG magazines
[*]7 Handgun magazines
[*]10 Shotgun shells
[*]1 Fragmentation grenade
[*]2 Machine gun magazines
[*]2 Grenadier rounds
[*]3 Smoke grenades
[*]3 Sniper magazines
[*]1 Rocket
[*]2 Field Dressings
[*]2 Special ammunition magazines


Covering Fire

Beginning at 5th level, you may use a bonus action to cover yourself with fire while moving, doing 1d8 DMG. Your movements are unstable and inaccurate, causing you to roll your hit with disadvantage.

Fast Movement

Starting at 5th level, your speed increases by 5 feet if you aren't carrying your ammo bag.
[title]Covering Fire[/title]
Beginning at 5th level, you may use a bonus action to cover yourself with fire while moving, doing [1d8] DMG. Your movements are unstable and inaccurate, causing you to roll your hit with disadvantage.

[title]Fast Movement[/title]
Starting at 5th level, your speed increases by 5 feet if you aren't carrying your ammo bag.


Advanced Tactics

Your skills in your chosen field of combat proficiency have grown further, now giving you advantage on initiative rolls while in your specified range.
[title]Advanced Tactics[/title]
Your skills in your chosen field of combat proficiency have grown further, now giving you advantage on initiative rolls while in your specified range.


Effective Communicaton

By 7th level, your teamwork skills have built you up both as a combatant and as a person. You gain advantage on persuasion rolls.
[title]Effective Communicaton[/title]
By 7th level, your teamwork skills have built you up both as a combatant and as a person. You gain advantage on persuasion rolls.


Ability Score Improvement

[#Ability Score Improvement]Ability Score Improvement[/#]

Ammo Box Upgrade

Your ammo box has been modified to store increased ammunition as well as further ammunition types.

Your ammo box contains the following at level 3:
  • 7 Rifle/SMG magazines

  • 7 Handgun magazines

  • 10 Shotgun shells

  • 2 Fragmentation grenades

  • 3 Machine gun magazines

  • 3 Grenadier rounds

  • 4 Smoke grenades

  • 3 Sniper magazines

  • 1 Rocket

  • 3 Field Dressings

  • 3 Special ammunition magazines

  • 1 Timed explosive device

  • 1 Anti tank mine

[title]Ability Score Improvement[/title][#Ability Score Improvement]Ability Score Improvement[/#]

[title]Ammo Box Upgrade[/title]
Your ammo box has been modified to store increased ammunition as well as further ammunition types.

Your ammo box contains the following at level 3:
[list][*]7 Rifle/SMG magazines
[*]7 Handgun magazines
[*]10 Shotgun shells
[*]2 Fragmentation grenades
[*]3 Machine gun magazines
[*]3 Grenadier rounds
[*]4 Smoke grenades
[*]3 Sniper magazines
[*]1 Rocket
[*]3 Field Dressings
[*]3 Special ammunition magazines
[*]1 Timed explosive device
[*]1 Anti tank mine


5.56 Black Tip

Beginning at 9th level, you may load your rifle with 5.56 armor piercing ammunition from your ammo box. Using an action in combat as well as two rifle magazines, your next magazine will be empowered with this ammunition type. You may not reload your armor piercing rounds with a bonus action.

The details for 5.56 armor piercing ammunition are listed in the Weapons and Ammunition Guidebook.
[title]5.56 Black Tip[/title]
Beginning at 9th level, you may load your rifle with 5.56 armor piercing ammunition from your ammo box. Using an action in combat as well as two rifle magazines, your next magazine will be empowered with this ammunition type. You may not reload your armor piercing rounds with a bonus action.

The details for 5.56 armor piercing ammunition are listed in the Weapons and Ammunition Guidebook.


Expert Tactics

[#Primal Path]Path Feature[/#]
At 10th level, your training in your chosen field of expertise becomes even more advanced, proving you highly skilled on the battlefield. Your chosen proficiency gains the following advantages.
  • Close Quarters: As a bonus action, you may attack twice with a handgun while within an enclosed area. You have headshot advantage rolls while within this area as well.

  • Woodland Warrior: Gain a ghillie suit.

  • Mid Range: You may see through smoke that is 50-80 feet away.

  • Long Range: Focus ability now reduces crit requirement from rolling a 20 to a 19 as well.

[title]Expert Tactics[/title][#Primal Path]Path Feature[/#]
At 10th level, your training in your chosen field of expertise becomes even more advanced, proving you highly skilled on the battlefield. Your chosen proficiency gains the following advantages.
[list][*]Close Quarters: As a bonus action, you may attack twice with a handgun while within an enclosed area. You have headshot advantage rolls while within this area as well.
[*]Woodland Warrior: Gain a ghillie suit.
[*]Mid Range: You may see through smoke that is 50-80 feet away.
[*]Long Range: Focus ability now reduces crit requirement from rolling a 20 to a 19 as well.


Spirit of Camaraderie

Starting at level 11, your companionship with your teammates has grown to the point of being able to boost their confidence with your mere presence. Teammates within 20 feet of you have +2 on constitution and charisma saving throws.
[title]Spirit of Camaraderie[/title]
Starting at level 11, your companionship with your teammates has grown to the point of being able to boost their confidence with your mere presence. Teammates within 20 feet of you have +2 on constitution and charisma saving throws.


Ability Score Improvement

[#Ability Score Improvement]Ability Score Improvement[/#]

Ammo Box Upgrade

Your ammo box has been modified to store increased ammunition as well as further ammunition types.

You may carry two extra weapons in your ammo box that can be taken using an action.

Your ammo box contains the following at level 4:
  • 8 Rifle/SMG magazines

  • 7 Handgun magazines

  • 11 Shotgun shells

  • 3 Fragmentation grenades

  • 4 Machine gun magazines

  • 4 Grenadier rounds

  • 4 Smoke grenades

  • 4 Sniper magazines

  • 2 Rockets

  • 5 Field Dressings

  • 4 Special ammunition magazines

  • 1 Timed explosive device

  • 2 Anti tank mines

[title]Ability Score Improvement[/title][#Ability Score Improvement]Ability Score Improvement[/#]

[title]Ammo Box Upgrade[/title]
Your ammo box has been modified to store increased ammunition as well as further ammunition types.

You may carry two extra weapons in your ammo box that can be taken using an action.

Your ammo box contains the following at level 4:
[list][*]8 Rifle/SMG magazines
[*]7 Handgun magazines
[*]11 Shotgun shells
[*]3 Fragmentation grenades
[*]4 Machine gun magazines
[*]4 Grenadier rounds
[*]4 Smoke grenades
[*]4 Sniper magazines
[*]2 Rockets
[*]5 Field Dressings
[*]4 Special ammunition magazines
[*]1 Timed explosive device
[*]2 Anti tank mines


Stocked Weapons

Weapons taken out of your ammo box for the first time in combat will be fully loaded with one magazine of a random special ammunition type. This applies to all weapon types.
[title]Stocked Weapons[/title]
Weapons taken out of your ammo box for the first time in combat will be fully loaded with one magazine of a random special ammunition type. This applies to all weapon types.


Mastered Tactics

[#Primal Path]Path Feature[/#]
At 14th level, you have completely mastered your field of combat. Your chosen proficiency gains the following advantages.
  • Close Quarters: You may access your ammo box if it is in the same close quarters area as you, regardless of actual range.

  • Woodland Warrior: Your senses are enhanced by the wilderness. You can see enemies through all cover in forests and shrubbery. You also gain permanent nature advantage.

  • Mid Range: Gain a permanent +2 DMG to things 50-80 feet away. You gain +2 hit if it is not behind cover.

  • Long Range: Focus ability can only end if you fall unconscious or if you choose to end it.

[title]Mastered Tactics[/title][#Primal Path]Path Feature[/#]
At 14th level, you have completely mastered your field of combat. Your chosen proficiency gains the following advantages.
[list][*]Close Quarters: You may access your ammo box if it is in the same close quarters area as you, regardless of actual range.
[*]Woodland Warrior: Your senses are enhanced by the wilderness. You can see enemies through all cover in forests and shrubbery. You also gain permanent nature advantage.
[*]Mid Range: Gain a permanent +2 DMG to things 50-80 feet away. You gain +2 hit if it is not behind cover.
[*]Long Range: Focus ability can only end if you fall unconscious or if you choose to end it.


Ammunition Expert

Beginning at 15th level, you give any teammates within a 40 foot radius an extra d4 damage if they are using a weapon that fires medium ammunition.
[title]Ammunition Expert[/title]
Beginning at 15th level, you give any teammates within a 40 foot radius an extra d4 damage if they are using a weapon that fires medium ammunition.


Ability Score Improvement

[#Ability Score Improvement]Ability Score Improvement[/#]

Ammo Box Upgrade

Your ammo box has been modified to store the maximum amount of ammunition and weapons possible.

The ammo box can now hold four weapons.

Your ammo box contains the following at level 5:
  • 10 Rifle/SMG magazines

  • 9 Handgun magazines

  • 14 Shotgun Shells

  • 5 Fragmentation grenades

  • 5 Machine gun magazines

  • 5 Grenadier rounds

  • 5 Smoke grenades

  • 5 Sniper magazines

  • 3 Rockets

  • 6 Field Dressings

  • 7 Special ammunition magazines

  • 2 Timed explosive devices

  • 3 Anti tank mines

[title]Ability Score Improvement[/title][#Ability Score Improvement]Ability Score Improvement[/#]

[title]Ammo Box Upgrade[/title]
Your ammo box has been modified to store the maximum amount of ammunition and weapons possible.

The ammo box can now hold four weapons.

Your ammo box contains the following at level 5:
[list][*]10 Rifle/SMG magazines
[*]9 Handgun magazines
[*]14 Shotgun Shells
[*]5 Fragmentation grenades
[*]5 Machine gun magazines
[*]5 Grenadier rounds
[*]5 Smoke grenades
[*]5 Sniper magazines
[*]3 Rockets
[*]6 Field Dressings
[*]7 Special ammunition magazines
[*]2 Timed explosive devices
[*]3 Anti tank mines


Permanent Piercing

Starting at level 17, one rifle of your choice will be constantly chambered in 5.56 AP rounds. This ability can be toggled on and off with your next reload.

Rapid Reload

Starting at level 17, you and your teammates will have their movement speed doubled directly after taking ammunition or a weapon from your ammo box.
[title]Permanent Piercing[/title]
Starting at level 17, one rifle of your choice will be constantly chambered in 5.56 AP rounds. This ability can be toggled on and off with your next reload.

[title]Rapid Reload[/title]
Starting at level 17, you and your teammates will have their movement speed doubled directly after taking ammunition or a weapon from your ammo box.


Attachment Specialist

Beginning at 18th level, you may add 1d6 DMG to your rifle if it has two or more attachments. Also, all of your equipped weapons may receive attachments regardless of incompatibility.
[title]Attachment Specialist[/title]
Beginning at 18th level, you may add 1d6 DMG to your rifle if it has two or more attachments. Also, all of your equipped weapons may receive attachments regardless of incompatibility.


Ability Score Improvement

[#Ability Score Improvement]Ability Score Improvement[/#]
[title]Ability Score Improvement[/title][#Ability Score Improvement]Ability Score Improvement[/#]


Ultimate Infantryman

At 20th level, your teamwork and combat abilities have been honed to their fullest. Once every long rest, you may use an action to refill all teammates ammunition with infinite range as well as give them an extra 1d6 DMG on their next attack
[title]Ultimate Infantryman[/title]
At 20th level, your teamwork and combat abilities have been honed to their fullest. Once every long rest, you may use an action to refill all teammates ammunition with infinite range as well as give them an extra 1d6 DMG on their next attack

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