
Exploration Map

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Fog of War:
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Description | New Events
Sights: A place with Unraveling Magic (Tasha's pg. 161).


Description | New Events
Sights: A religious procession.


Description | New Events
Sights: Ruined or toppled circle of standing stones.


Description | New Events
Sights: A short pathway of stone carved into a mountain, roughly five feet wide with names of couples and graffiti on the stone walls. The pathway always has a thick eerie fog settled over it.


Description | New Events
Sights: A lost, weeping child. If the characters take the child home, the parents reward them with 3 potions of healing.


Description | New Events
Sights: A buzzard alights atop a stone or statue nearby and makes disgusting noises at the party, drops a half-eaten zombie part, then flies away. The body-part has a tattoo or a piece of jewelry (worth 100gp or less) or something relating to the plot.


Description | New Events
Sights: A clear pool of water with 3 sleeping animals lying around its edge


Description | New Events
Sights: In the middle of a copse in a strange swamp lies a smooth altar made of red stone, with strange carvings of trees and water all around its base. Upon touching the altar, you will hear a voice in your mind ‘sacrifice”, and you will feel a strange primal urge to sacrifice a creature on top of it.


Description | New Events
Sights: Intact statue of a person or deity.


Description | New Events
Sights: An enormous stone of a singular soft yellow color. It is hot to the touch but by day it is warm and comfortable simply standing near it. By night however the stone begins to glow brightly, illuminating its surroundings in radiant golden light. Large chips of the same stone can be found in the foliage growing around it. With similar glowing properties.


Description | New Events
Sights: A farmer returning from town with his three daughters is seen on the side of the road huddled beneath their damaged cart. The family has been attacked by a swarm of stirges as the evidenced by the presence of a stirge, bludgeoned with a shovel. The family asks the party to escort them the remainder of the way home. Their home is an hours walk out of the way for the party and an hour is needed to fix the cart.


Description | New Events
Sights: An enormous statue of a rooster, made from a strange metal, finely detailed and colored. It is hollow, and when the first ray of sunrise strikes it, a great, sad-sounding crow arises from it. Legend says that it commemorates a great battle in the distant past.


Description | New Events
Sights: Haunted hill.


Description | New Events
Sights: Mutated animals are spotted feasting on a corpse.


Description | New Events
Sights: A minor noble returning from an unsuccessful hunt, with retinue. The noble is not a skilled hunter yet thinks himself to be the greatest in the land, partially due to the plethora of compliments he receives on a daily basis from his followers. He challenges the party to a contest of who can bring down the largest brown bear and wagers his pouch of gold.


Description | New Events
Sights: A ranger patrol, with a cheerful leader, is heard laughing from down the path. The man, tall and burly loves jokes and will reward any player that can make him laugh until he cries. However he hates puns as he thinks they are a cheap form of laughter.


Description | New Events
Sights: A small clearing in a forest, near a cave mouth, contains dozens of statues of humanoid creatures, many armed & armored, all with looks of surprise & horror on their stone faces.


Description | New Events
Sights: The ancient ruins of a strangely ‘modern-looking’ tavern located in the deepest patches of forest. No path leads to it, no other buildings or ruins are found besides it, but dozens of deformed footsteps can be found heading out of the site. At night, the faint, muffled sound of a single viol can be heard coming out of the muddy floor.


Description | New Events
Sights: A large gray solid stone table with ancient carvings on the sides. Upon its surface are newly lit candles and a banquet of food that seems to be warm, fresh, and untouched by its surroundings. If one where to eat or take anything from the table, the next day it would be completely restocked and replenished.


Description | New Events
Sights: A local bard offers a gold to whoever can make his bodyguard laugh.


Description | New Events
Sights: A small shack almost hidden by the deep forest. The interior is empty aside from a large cast-iron oven.


Description | New Events
Sights: Barrow mound.


Description | New Events
Sights: Canyon containing a dragons' graveyard.


Description | New Events
Sights: A funerary procession carrying a large coffin.


Description | New Events
Sights: An entrance to the Underdark.


Description | New Events
Sights: A series of vaguely conic stone spires lined up along a gentle arc. Each is over 15ft tall and 5ft across at the base, and tapers to a narrow tip. Nobody knows the origin of this formation. Some say the teeth are all that remains from some colossal dragon skeleton, others think the stones were placed there by a dragon cult, or as a sign from Bahamut.


Description | New Events
Sights: A cave with a chest that says, ‘if you take something, leave something.’ It’s unlocked and has several trinkets inside.


Description | New Events
Sights: 5 merchants with their donkey (they're bandits that may attack weak-looking PCs).


Description | New Events
Sights: A farmer returning from town with his three daughters is seen on the side of the road huddled beneath their damaged cart. The family has been attacked by a swarm of stirges as the evidenced by the presence of a stirge, bludgeoned with a shovel. The family asks the party to escort them the remainder of the way home. Their home is an hours walk out of the way for the party and an hour is needed to fix the cart.


Description | New Events
Sights: A garden from a former ancient culture, which vanished out of unknown reasons. One of the only things found was this tree garden. Are the trees made of stone or turned to, no one knows.


Description | New Events
Sights: An area of Blessed Radiance. Aberrations, fiends, and undead in the region give off a crimson glow for 1 minute. The creatures shed dim light in a 10-foot radius, attacks against them have advantage if the attacker can see them, and the creatures can't benefit from being invisible.


Description | New Events
Sights: A religious procession.


Description | New Events
Sights: A person looks to be threatened by a skeleton, but on closer inspection the skeleton is assisting them.


Description | New Events
Sights: Farmers on their way to the market.


Description | New Events
Sights: Deep in a forest, trees are marred with years old axe and sword marks. Hundreds of skeletons dressed in rusted armor and weapons lie in this area. Taking a trinket, or even loitering may be unwise.


Description | New Events
Sights: A traveling merchant selling standard equipment at 10% over book price.


Description | New Events
Sights: Intact obelisk etched with a warning, historical lore, dedication, or religious iconography.


Description | New Events
Sights: Royal customs agents have set up a checkpoint to search travellers for fruit from a neighbouring kingdom, following reports that some shipments have been infested with the eggs of dangerous species of exotic spider.


Description | New Events
Sights: Sealed burial mound or pyramid.


Description | New Events
Sights: Floating earth mote with a watch tower on it.


Description | New Events
Sights: Permanent portal to another plane of existence.


Description | New Events
Sights: A 50 ft rust covered sword driven into the earth. The whole area has a magical aura and no wildlife lingers within a quarter mile of the sword.


Description | New Events
Sights: A large whale skeleton surrounded by petunias. The whale is miles away from the sea and the petunias aren’t native to this location.


Description | New Events
Sights: Totem pole.


Description | New Events
Sights: A Feywild crossing (DMG pg. 50).


Description | New Events
Sights: An area touched by the Far Realm (Tasha's pg. 152).


Description | New Events
Sights: There’s a half-buried village in the sand, with sandstone walls being the only remnants… except for one house, which has a simple roof and door carved into the stone.


Description | New Events
Sights: d6 rations spoil.


Description | New Events
Sights: Wild magic zone (cause Wild Magic Surge whenever a spell is cast).


Description | New Events
Sights: Local constable and his posse, with a suspicious outlook of strangers. He explains that there has been a series of murders in the area over the last month and demands to know the party’s business in these parts. He encourages that the party keep their business above board.


Description | New Events
Sights: A trail of breadcrumbs appears on the side of the road. If the party follows it, they eventually find an advertisement for the local village jester inscribed on the side of a tree.


Description | New Events
Sights: Totem pole.


Description | New Events
Sights: A ranger (scout) searching for a missing companion, lover, or long-lost ancestor.


Description | New Events
Sights: A ranger (scout) searching for a missing companion, lover, or long-lost ancestor.


Description | New Events
Sights: A gigantic stone carving of a toad’s head, crumbling, half-buried, and covered in moss.


Description | New Events
Sights: 5 travellers (infected by a brain parasite).


Description | New Events
Sights: A lost, weeping child. If the characters take the child home, the parents reward them with 3 potions of healing.


Description | New Events
Sights: There is a patch of trees here with a non-stop turbulent wind rustling the leaves and branches violently. The leaves’ edges appear to be razor sharp.


Description | New Events
Sights: Battlefield where lingering fog occasionally assumes humanoid forms.


Description | New Events
Sights: A massive artwork carved into a boulder placed some ways away from the banks of a nearby river. The artwork seems to depict a struggle between giants and dragons, with the giants as the victors. The faintly red runes which line it are giantish, and anyone who can decipher them will read that it marks a momentous battle between giants and dragons, over which should decide the course of the river.


Description | New Events
Sights: Dead magic zone (similar to antimagic field).


Description | New Events
Sights: Intact statue of a person or deity.


Description | New Events
Sights: Great stone arch.


Description | New Events
Sights: Young lovers have sought refuge to meet, their families do not approve.


Description | New Events
Sights: In the middle of a grassy field stands an 8ft slim cone made of iron bars, in the middle of the structure lies a sun-bleached skeleton bound in iron shackles.


Description | New Events
Sights: A religious procession.


Description | New Events
Sights: A gigantic stone carving of a toad’s head, crumbling, half-buried, and covered in moss.


Description | New Events
Sights: A fairly tall and elaborate tree made entirely out of glass raises from the earth, at its base there is a plaque written in dwarven, it’s to commemorate a dwarf leader who fell in battle.


Description | New Events
Sights: Deep in the woods, a small group of trees whose leaves are bright red. They contrast starkly with the normal trees around them. The Candle trees appear otherwise normal, but the dried leaves can be brewed into a tea that warms the bones even on the coldest nights.


Description | New Events
Sights: Battlefield where lingering fog occasionally assumes humanoid forms.


Description | New Events
Sights: An enormous statue of a rooster, made from a strange metal, finely detailed and colored. It is hollow, and when the first ray of sunrise strikes it, a great, sad-sounding crow arises from it. Legend says that it commemorates a great battle in the distant past.


Description | New Events
Sights: An Infested location (Tasha's pg. 156).


Description | New Events
Sights: Deep in the woods, a small group of trees whose leaves are bright red. They contrast starkly with the normal trees around them. The Candle trees appear otherwise normal, but the dried leaves can be brewed into a tea that warms the bones even on the coldest nights.


Description | New Events
Sights: Fountain.


Description | New Events
Sights: A grove of Primal Fruit (Tasha's pg. 168).


Description | New Events
Sights: A large, symmetrical hill where the site of a great battle once was. Stone rubble and ruins barely peaks out from the top. Flowers are left there every so often.


Description | New Events
Sights: Young lovers have sought refuge to meet, their families do not approve.

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