
Random Town Generator

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Harthnum, Village [Permalink]

Population: 477, Size: 15 acres
Demographics: Human (78%), Dwarf (7%), Elf (4%), Tabaxi (3%), Tiefling (3%), Dragonborn (1%), Halfling (1%), Gnome (1%), Half-Orc (1%), Half-Elf (1%)
Extra Details
Nearby Points of Interest
Wealth: 4,770 gp. Max value for sale: 157 gp. Max pawn value: 835 gp

Village Map
Village Map

Detailed Demographics

Harthnum is built around a tall abandoned tower that's often hit by lightning strikes, known for its regularly erupting geyser and its very clean streets. The ruler (Warden Heather Stapleton, Female Human found at their home) is fair and just, respected by the populace. Recently monsters have been marauding.

Defenses: The village is surrounded by simple wood and earth walls. 3 trained warriors serve in the village's defense, and a militia of 39 can be mustered in case of attack. The sheriff is Three In Shadow, Male Tabaxi.

Organizations: Order of the Royal Academy, Cult of the Golden Sword, trade guilds

Tavern | General Store | Church | Cottage | House | More Streets


Tavern: The Merchant's Umberhulk
Owner: Jane Law, Female Human [Details]

Location: In the main street near the town gate. The street outside has a pickpocket looking for marks. Someone has glued a platinum piece to the ground with sovereign glue.
Description: The tavern is a wooden simple building, with a green tile roof and nicely trimmed hedges. It contains a set of gold scales and messy tables covered in cutlery and leftover food.
Quests and Rumors | Map
  • Beef Burger with Crowberry Tart and a Tankard of Beer (5 sp)
  • Oxen Casserole and a Tankard of Bitter (4 sp)
  • Cheese Hash and a Mug of Perry (4 sp)

    Other Patrons:
  • None

Owner: Arnold Van Es, Male Human [Details]


    Other Patrons:
  • None

Owner: Thervan Nailo, Male Elf [Details]


    Other Patrons:
  • None

Owner: Aline Springfield, Female Human [Details]


Owner: Tana Murnig, Female Gnome [Details]


General Store: The Pilgrim's Armchair
Owner: Herleva Gyula, Female Human [Details]

Location: In a well-lit avenue with guard towers. The street outside is recently paved with worn brick.
Description: The general store is a plaster tower, with a green tile roof and tile flooring. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains a large candelabra and barrels full of bulk food.
  • Ink (1 ounce bottle) (phb 150) (10 gp)
  • Weaver's Tools (phb 154) (1 gp)
  • Shovel (phb 150) (2 gp)

    Other Patrons:
  • Leaf In the Wind, Female Tabaxi [Details]

Church: Temple to Torm
Owner: Conrad Eastaughffe, Male Human [Details]

Location: In a major crossroads. The street outside has a beggar harassing passers-by and is shaded by large trees. The owner sits in a regal chair from an old noble's house like it's their throne.
Description: The church is a plaster cabin, with a brown shingled roof and a row of flowers around the building. It contains a large candelabra and a basin of holy water.

    Other Patrons:
  • Drogo Stratford, Male Human [Details]


Small Cottage
Owner: Egelina Stanford, Female Human [Details]

The house is a plaster and wood framed single storey building, with a blue tile roof and overgrown hedges. It contains a single bachelor-style room with a bed and chest. In one corner is an enclosed flame with simple cooking pot. A small stockpile of boxes and barrels are messily crammed into a corner.

Cruck House
Owner: Windy Wind, Female Tabaxi [Details]

The house is a stone-walled cabin, with a black shingled roof and a large cellar. It contains 3 rooms total with 1 bedroom, each containing a dresser. The kitchen has a brick hearth with a cauldron over the fire. Outside is a small fence made of wattle, and a big working dog is eager to greet visitors.

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