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Mosscraig, Hamlet [Permalink]

Population: 85, Size: 3 acres
Demographics: Tabaxi (70%), Tiefling (9%), Gnome (9%), Dwarf (3%), Half-Orc (2%), Half-Elf (2%), Human (2%), Halfling (1%), Dragonborn (1%), Elf (1%)
Extra Details
Nearby Points of Interest
Wealth: 425 gp. Max value for sale: 28 gp. Max pawn value: 149 gp

Hamlet Map
Hamlet Map

Detailed Demographics

Mosscraig is built on a steep hill, known for its mushrooms and its wines. The ruler (Headborough Great Treat, Female Tabaxi found at their home) is fair and just, respected by the populace. There is some tension between the races. Recently a scandal is threatening a powerful family.

Defenses: The hamlet is surrounded by simple wood and earth walls. A militia of 8 can be mustered in case of attack. The sheriff is Ekemon Charisma, Male Tiefling.

Organizations: Glittering Griffin, trade guilds

Tavern | General Store | Cottage | House | More Streets


Tavern: The Broken Respite
Owner: Pelt Of Ivory, Male Tabaxi [Details]

Location: In a market quarter. The street outside is covered in fallen leaves and is unusually full of carriages. A wagon is delivering supplies.
Description: The tavern is a adobe and large single storey building, with a white tile roof and tile flooring. A number of hunting trophies line the walls. It contains religious paraphernalia on the walls and a large stew pot over a fire.
Quests and Rumors | Map
  • Pheasant Soup with Egg and a Coffee (5 sp)
  • Goose Stew and a Glass of Brandy (4 sp)
  • Drake Sandwich with Garden Greens and a Glass of Whiskey (5 sp)

    Other Patrons:
  • None

Owner: Flame Buttons, Female Tabaxi [Details]


    Other Patrons:
  • None

Owner: Leucis Mute, Male Tiefling [Details]


Owner: Right-Handed Of Dragons, Female Tabaxi [Details]


    Other Patrons:
  • None

Owner: Dynamic In Shadow, Female Tabaxi [Details]


General Store: The Wobbly Open
Owner: Adelaide Read, Female Human [Details]

Location: In the main street near the town gate. The street outside is lined with a low stone wall and is crowded with shoppers.
Description: The general store is a wooden and large single storey building, with a brown shingled roof and dead hedges. A number of hunting trophies line the walls. It contains some planter boxes on the walls and shelves full of souveneirs.
  • Potter's Tools (phb 154) (10 gp)
  • Bottle, glass (phb 153) (2 gp)
  • Ink (1 ounce bottle) (phb 150) (10 gp)

    Other Patrons:
  • None

Owner: Edge Hummingbird, Female Tabaxi [Details]



Small Cottage
Owner: Zephan Ennui, Male Tiefling [Details]

The house is a plaster and wood framed two-storey building, with a tanned wooden roof and well-made wooden furniture. It contains a single bachelor-style room with a bed and chest. In one corner is an enclosed flame with simple cooking pot. Cured meats are hung in bundles from the rafters.

Cruck House
Owner: Panana Raulnor, Female Gnome [Details]

The house is a stone-walled cabin, with a small fenced yard and a pillared curved-roof entryway. It contains 5 rooms total with 2 bedrooms, each containing a chest. The kitchen has a brick hearth with a flickering flame. Outside is a small garden of herbs.

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