
Trap Generator

Trap Generator


Alarm Trap

This trap is activated when a creature touches its surface, which releases the spell stored within the trapped object. The object is covered in arcane symbols and writing.

Effect: +7 to hit against one target, Casts Alarm centered on the trigger with DC 14 (if relevant)

Trigger: touch trigger, activates when surface is touched by a creature.

Countermeasures: A spell or other effect that can sense the presence of magic, such as detect magic, reveals an aura of divination magic around the surface. A successful dispel magic (DC 14) cast on the surface destroys the trap.

Casting dispel magic (DC 10) on the trap will cancel the stored spell.

Fire Spray

An enemy in disguise asks for help and leads the PCs into the trap and triggers it, which activates pipes in the walls that spew flames. The area is unusually warm and has exposed pipes or perforated walls.

Effect: Targets all creatures within a 20 ft. cone, DC 14 DEX save or take 8 (2d10) fire damage

Trigger: enemy, an enemy in disguise asks for help.

Countermeasures: A successful DC 10 Insight check can tell that the enemy is lying. A successful DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves' tools disarms the trap.

Destroying the trap will rupture the pipes and spray flames over the area. Water can't adequately douse the flames, but clay or stone (such as with Stone Shape) can be used to block the geysers.

Destroying Traps

Traps can be damaged and destroyed, sometimes to good or bad effect. Pipes containing fire or poison will rupture and spray over the area, while mechanisms can be rendered inoperable with enough force. Determine the HP and AC of your traps based on the tables below. Sometimes a fragile trap is more dangerous than a resilient one if destroying it will fill the corridor with acid.

Cloth, paper, rope11
Crystal, glass, ice13
Wood, bone15
Iron, steel19
SizeHP (Fragile)HP (Resilient)
Tiny (bottle, lock)1 (1d4)5 (2d4)
Small (chest, lute)2 (1d6)10 (3d6)
Medium (barrel, chandelier)8 (1d8)17 (4d8)
Large (cart, 10x10 ft. window)2 (1d10)37 (5d10)

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