
Weekly devlogs: Rogue Legend 2

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August 1 - Do not become addicted to the water (Alpha 17)

At a glance

  • Added pools of water to the world. You can drink from them, fill containers, and they flow (sorta)
  • You can now boil containers on a campfire
  • Made world 60% bigger
  • tier0 bucket and watering can now made out of glass
  • Fixed a bug that caused hunger/thirst/tiredness to tick faster than intended
  • Adjusted food decay rates across the board
  • And more in the full devlog

Let's see, I've got a combat engine that isn't quite ready yet

Combat Engine

I've got some new forums that aren't quite ready yet


Well I've gotta get SOMETHING ready for the weekly update.

*scrolls through feedback forms*


Mad Max Waterfall

I had been planning to do water with biomes, but it's currently the most popular request. I figured in the meantime we could get a "basic, functional" version and save Water2.0 for biomes. Thus, there are small pools of water found around the world. Sitting water isn't safe to drink, so make sure you boil it!

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August 23 - Test Your Might (Alpha 21)

At a glance

  • Basic combat. Lock on, select ability, attack! Win delicious all-purpose meat!
  • Feral chickens now roam the wilds
  • Added stone spear
  • Working on new UI, may be a bit placeholdery for now
  • New grass texture
  • Changes to distant terrain
  • New death screen
  • Threaded pathfinding
  • Fixed issue with placing rocks
  • Fixed inventory duplication glitch
  • Fixed Electrum

Hectic week! This is the most "in progress" of an update we've had since it's a bunch of new stuff that couldn't quite get done in a week. There's a basic combat system, a basic new UI, and some incomplete texture changes. That said, yay combat!

Since the game is 3D now, it meant there needed to be a more 3D combat system too with lock-on and cameras and movement. While the initial combat (and initial targets) are pretty basic I'll be adding more with each update. There will be elemental weaknesses and creature types, special abilities, special maneuvers (dodging, blocking, backstabs, etc), taming, and a party system. It feels like it's been a while since I've *added* ugly placeholders to the game with all the work recently to remove them.

Combat Screen

As you can see from the base system, I'm going for a bit of a mix between realtime action and turn-based rpg. It's important to me that the combat system remain accessible and not require super-twitch reflexes to enjoy, while also adding options for more advanced players seeking greater challenges and maneuvers. So you lock on to a target, your initiative fills based on your speed, you select an attack based on what you have equipped, it charges based on its speed, you path into range and then execute the attack.

Hotkeys are incomplete (for both targeting and ability selection), there's poor feedback for damage dealt/received, you can't click for targeting yet, and enemies lack healthbars. Those will all be in for the next update, which might be another mid-week one.

There will be additional timing-based maneuvers like dodges and blocks (and elemental resistance) to reduce or negate incoming damage, but it'll be largely optional for the players that want to tackle the greater challenges. Hunting game around your home won't ask much of you, tackling an underground dungeon at the end of the world will take everything.

Dodges and blocks will be pretty familiar if you've played much Dark Souls, and a bit of any Mario RPG. When an enemy is about to attack, you can attempt to dodge out of the way. If your timing is good, you'll dodge getting hit completely. However, rolling uses stamina and eats up a bit of your initiative. So if you mess up the roll, not only will you get hit but your own attack will take longer.

Blocking has both a passive and active effect. Equipping a shield in your hand lets you raise/lower your shield while in combat. While a shield is raised any attack you take to your front will cause a percentage of the damage to be absorbed by your stamina instead. If you don't have enough stamina, you'll be stunned, so keep an eye on it. When an attack is incoming, if you press the block button with good timing the incoming damage will also be reduced. Choosing to block or dodge will come down to your personal playstyle and how much risk you're willing to take. For stealthier players, I'd also like to add ambushes.

Creature Concept

For taming I want a dual approach. I know there are some players that want to tame every animal they meet and don't want to engage in combat at all. So there will be a taming system and a capture system. Capturing a creature involves fighting it and trapping it, whereas taming involves befriending the creature instead. The choice will again largely come down to playstyle.

Some of this will wait for beta, which we're getting close to. I'm working on an all new animation system that will finally replace all the placeholder animations and include a bunch of combat animations. I want to get combat a bit more fleshed out with some of the maneuvers and maybe a couple of abilities, get proper multiplayer, and then work on worldgen/biomes and get some basic dungeons in first.

Was looking through my old images and found this. A quick look at the progress made over the alpha:

Rogue Legend 2 Old to New

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August 29 - Let's Get Animated

At a glance

  • Added many new animations
  • You can now hold stuff. Certain objects will appear in your hands when held. A few for now, I'll be continuously adding more.
  • You can target/attack friendlies
  • More combat feedback
  • Added enemy healthbars
  • New distant terrain
  • Added targeting buttons
  • Chickitoos now don't want to die
  • Domesticated animals will make friends, and will mourn their friend if they die
  • New female face
  • And more in the full update


There's a brand new animation system and a whole bunch of new animations! In fact the only old animation that remains is the placeholdery general-purpose "use" animation. There's also a host of new animations for things like combat. As a part of this new system I finally put in models for holding certain things.

Holding spear and mushroom

It's not everything yet, but you can have a trusty mushroom shield. Or mushroom club.

Combat mushroom club

I spent several days trying to migrate the animation system over to Unity's Mecanim system, then about two hours rolling my own. Mecanim is decent but very very fiddly, I could have easily spent the entire week just tweaking and working on the animations and transitions. A script-based solution became much more appealing. Unfortunately, it means I wasted almost half the week on it.


In the previous build you may have noticed that the distant terrain was a bit abstracted and "odd" in its lighting behavior. At first I thought it was a lighting issue, and had to use an unlit shader to get it to even work. This week I discovered that this is just a straight-up bug with one of Unity's rendering pipelines, one that's apparently been there for over 2 years unfixed. It's "fixed" by using a different rendering mode, which may have some unintended consequences with different hardware.

Distant mountains

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